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DCH Becomes a Milk Bank Location

–Daviess Community Hospital is the latest hospital in
Indiana to be recognized as a collection site for human milk to be used to help babies whose
mothers are unable to produce milk or enough milk to help them thrive.
The Milk Bank is a non-profit organization that promotes community health by expanding the
safe use of human milk for all babies, especially premature and ill infants. Founded in 2005 as
the Indiana Mothers’ Milk Bank, The Milk Bank was established to improve health outcomes for
premature and ill infants, foster better health for children and decrease health care expenditures.
The Milk Bank receives human milk from carefully screened donors, pasteurizes, freezes and
distributes it throughout the United States. As a non-profit, community-supported entity, The
Milk Bank is the first and only donor human milk bank in Indiana. The Milk Bank is a proud
member of the Human Milk Banking Association of North America.

• Prematurity
• Infants susceptible or recovering from NEC
• Failure to thrive
• Malabsorption syndromes
• Short-gut syndrome
• Trophic feeds/gut-priming
• Inborn errors of metabolism
• Pre and Post-operative nutrition
• Adoption

To become a milk donor, call 1-877-829-7470, email or go to You will be asked to fill out a donor application and medical history
form. Consent forms from your physician as well as your baby’s physician will then need to be
signed. Lastly, you will be asked to complete a blood test at the Milk Bank’s expense.
Once a mother has completed the process and approved, she will contact Melissa Schroeder at
812-254-2760 extension 1344 to arrange delivery of the milk to Daviess Community Hospital.

DCH invites the community to a grand opening of the local Milk Bank on the second floor in the
Women’s Health Center at Daviess Community Hospital on Thursday, September 26, 2019, at

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