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Rest in peace Taylor Brown

        Veteran and some could say pioneer Indiana Broadcaster Taylor Brown died yesterday.  He was 79.   
        Brown started his career at WBTO in Linton, Indiana at the age of 15.  At the time, he was believed to have been the youngest DJ in America. He hung out with classic Rock-N-Roll artists like Chuck Berry at shows in the Terre Haute area over 60 years ago.    During his careeer he worked in Las Vegas and other markets.  He once dated Nancy Sinatra.  He was a military veteran and worked on the air during his service. 
        He worked at radio stations WBOW and WVTS in Terre Haute and WNDI in Sullivan.  He also worked as morning news anchor on WTWO-TV.  His most recent stint was as News Director at WAMW in Washington, Indiana until his retirement in  2010.  Up until then he spent 55 years on air daily somewhere.  His “final” signoff was on October 29th 2010…

       He continued to make a regular morning appearance on WAMW via phone from his Indianapolis residence until recent weeks.    
        He was known for a distinct and familiar voice and a terrific sense of humor.
        Taylor Brown died yesterday (Thursday 10/10) at an Indianapolis Hospital after a fall at his Indy home.
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Image may contain: 2 people, including Dave Crooks, people standing
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

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