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Local government gets award for 15th Street Bridge

The Association of Indiana Counties’ (AIC) has awarded Daviess County the 2019 Local Government Cooperation Award for their 15th Street Bridge Project. The bridge was a main artery over railroad tracks and helped connect residents to the community hospital. This was a safety issue for residents of Daviess County and the City of Washington. Daviess County officials, Washington City Officials, and the Daviess County Economic Development Corporation worked together to solve this issue for their community and improve the quality of life for the residents of Daviess County.
Counties that win this prestigious award must demonstrate that the project meets the following criteria:
· Demonstrate cooperation between one or more municipalities and county(s)
· Shows innovation
· Positive impact on the community and the participating governmental units
· Potential for the activity to serve as a model for other local governments
The award was announced Wednesday, October 2nd during the AIC Annual Conference in Orange County. Counties that win this award are chosen by a committee comprised of elected county officials from across the state.
AIC’s Annual Conference is the largest gathering of county officials in the state. Representatives from public agencies, private entities, and local elected officials addressed issues such as: rural services, jail management, firearms training demonstrations, options for archiving and digitizing documents, alternative energy, and collaborative management.
Notes on Video and Still Photos
Video: Awards Banquet Presentation can be viewed on the AIC You Tube page at []
Pictured in photo left to right are: [Sierra Decker, Phil Cornelius, Tom McCracken, Beth McGookey, Jamie Chapman, David Dahl, Patty Ball, Dennis Eaton Back row: Nathan Gabhart, Jerry Sidebottom, Michael Taylor, Matt Meredith, Kent Norris, Bryant Niehoff]

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