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Time to fall back

            Be sure and fall back.  Daylight Saving Time is ending for 2019 and we move back to Eastern Standard Time.  Sometime tonight move your clock back an hour.  The official time change is 2-am.  So you’ll get another hour of sleep tonight.
            According to, Daylight Saving Time was never about farmers. It was first used in 1908 by a few hundred Canadians in Thunder Bay, Ontario. But Germany popularized DST after it first set the clocks forward on April 30, 1916, to save coal during World War I.
            Daylight saving time became a national standard in 1966 when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Uniform Time Act, which was established as a way to continue to conserve energy. The thinking was if it’s light out longer, that’s less time you’ll need to use the lights in your house.
             Hawaii and Arizona are the only two U.S. states that do not observe daylight saving time. 
            An contrary to popular belief Benjamin Franklin did not invent Daylight Saving Time. says that by the time he was a 78-year-old American envoy in Paris in 1784  One day he was unpleasantly stirred from sleep at 6 a.m. by the summer sun.  He then wrote an essay in jest  in which he calculated that Paris citizens, by simply by waking up at dawn, could save the modern-day equivalent of $200 million through “the economy of using sunshine instead of candles.” As a result of this essay, Franklin is often erroneously given the honor of “inventing” daylight saving time, but he only proposed a change in sleep schedules—not the time itself.

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