(NETWORK INDIANA) Nearly 10,000 Hoosiers work for UPS, but that number is expected to go up, temporarily. UPS says they are hiring about 100,000 people across the country for the holiday season, and those jobs sometimes turn from temp to permanent.
“We expect another record peak season this year, with daily package deliveries nearly doubling, compared to our average of 20 million per day” said Danielle McCusky, vice president of Human Resources for UPS. “In order to make that happen once again we’re recruiting about 100,000 people for seasonal jobs.”
The full and part-time seasonal positions, primarily package handlers, drivers and driver-helpers, have long been an entry point for permanent employment.
“I actually began my career as a driver helper during our peak season. Nearly a third of our current U.S. workforce started in seasonal positions,” said MCCusky.
She said in addition to getting a foot in the door, the positions are also a way to make extra cash for the holidays.