(NETWORK INDIANA) Your right to bear arms in Indiana may be stronger than any time in recent years, but it’s unclear whether the general assembly will take up any bills to give Hoosiers the right to carry openly or concealed, without a license in a public place, otherwise known as “Constitutional carry”.
Indiana’s Speaker of the House Brian Bosma announced he’ll be leaving first his post as speaker, then the House of Representatives altogether.
Rep. Jim Lucas, a Republican from Seymour, pointed out on The Gun Guy, Saturday, that Bosma was an obstacle to the legislation, but also that Bosma was following the wishes of his constituents.
“When you representatives getting surveys back and their districts are just not really supporting, the kind of support you need going into a long, drawn-out battle because you know the left is gonna pull out every stop they have,” he said.
Lucas, in defense of Bosma’s stance, said that when you’re in a leadership position, you can’t waste political capital on something that’s not going to work.
“You’ve got to be smart about this and you’ve got to do it right. Otherwise you’re just hamstringing yourself right out of the gate.”
Lucas said Bosma is responsible for bringing up some of the laws that got passed last year, like being immune from a lawsuit if you shoot someone who is endangering your life, or another person’s (the judge can assign the suing party to pay attorney’s fees), and the ability to carry a gun on school property if it stays in a vehicle.
Lucas did not say whether he would bring up a Constitutional carry bill.