Mark your calendar for area blood drives. The American Red Cross continues to solicit donors to help with their current shortage of blood. All types are needed.
Officials say widespread flu and winter weather in many areas threatening to cancel scheduled drives, has prompted them to put out another urgent call for donors. There is now less than a 3 day supply of type 0 blood available. Type 0 positive is the most transfused blood type and can be given to RH positive patients of any blood type. In emergencies, when there’s not time to find out a person’s blood type, Type 0 is what medical teams go to.
Nationwide, at least 13,000 blood donations are needed per day to keep up with demand. Also 2600 platelet donations are needed per day for patients who need blood to survive.
There are drives scheduled for this Friday 2 to 7 at the Free Methodist Church on Troy Road in Washington from 2 to 7. Also on February 6th there will be a drive at the Simon J. Graber Complex on County Road 900-East from 2 to 6.