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Newton and Chapman formally announce candidacy

        A couple of Daviess County Republicans have formally announced their candidacy for office in 2020.
        Rosetta Newton has filed to run for Recorder.  She’ is currently a First Deputy Recorder and she is seeking to succeed current Recorder Jamie Chapman who cannot seek re-election to that office due to term limits.  Newton has been a First Deputy for 14 years.
        Meanwhile, Chapman has filed to run for Daviess County Treasurer.  Current Treasurer Elaine Wellman is not seeking re-election.  Again, Chapman is the current County Recorder and has been for 8 years.

Daviess County First Deputy Recorder Rosetta Newton has filed to be a candidate for Recorder in the May Republican primary. Newton is seeking to replace Jamie Chapman, who is term limited and cannot seek another term as Recorder.
Newton has served as First Deputy in the Recorder’s office for the past fourteen years under two different Recorder’s. Newton has been working on continuing to modernize the office, indexing records, and editing scans of old records to be uploaded onto the system, making it more searchable for the public. Newton has helped initiate the Disaster Recovery Service and Doxpop online access.
In addition, Newton has been training in other aspects of the office, such as payroll and accounts payable, and has assisted with composing the offices yearly budgets. Newton has also managed the retention schedule on public records in the Recorder’s office.
“I have attended the Indiana Recorder’s Association conference the past 14 years to further my knowledge and skills,” said Newton. “I feel this is a valuable asset, and qualifies me to be the next Recorder.”
A native of Daviess County, Newton lives in Washington Township with her husband Phillip Newton. Newton is a 1981 graduate of Barr-Reeve High School, and has worked in the public since 1982. The Newton’s have two adult daughters and one son in law, and they also have six grandchildren.
Newton is a member of Bethany Christian Church, and has served the church in many different areas. Newton is a lifelong Republican, and is also a member of the Daviess County Republican Women.

Daviess County Recorder Jamie Chapman has filed to be a candidate for the Republican Party nomination for Treasurer in the May Primary.
Chapman, who is term limited and cannot seek another term as Recorder, decided to seek the nomination for Treasurer after current Treasurer Elaine Wellman decided not to seek another term in office.
Chapman has served the taxpayers of Daviess County the last 14 years, including the last eight as elected Recorder. While serving as Recorder, Chapman was able to add new online services to the Daviess County Recorder’s Office. Doxpop online access makes searchable records for taxpayers and landowners. Also, working alongside the current software company CSI, Chapman was able to add the Disaster Recovery Service. The key component of this is to have off-site back up to the county production server in addition to the existing backups the county currently provides. “This is very helpful in the event of a local disaster such as fire, tornado or ransomware/malware viruses,” said Chapman.
“These new services demonstrate the commitment of my office to increase public service, transparency, and access to critical public records.” said Chapman. “I would use the same commitment in the Treasurer’s office.”
While serving as Daviess County Recorder, Chapman has served as a commissioner on the Electronic Recording Board, after being chosen by Governor Holcomb as one of the three Recorders in the state to serve on that board. Chapman has also served as District Vice President for the Indiana Recorder’s Association, as well as on the Education committee. In addition, Chapman has served on the awards committee for the Association of Indiana Counties.
A native of Daviess County, Chapman lives in Harrison Township with her husband Kevin Chapman. Chapman is a graduate of Washington High School and has worked in the public since graduation 1977. The Chapman’s have an adult son and an adult daughter and 3 grandchildren. Chapman is a member of Hudsonville United Methodist Church, Eastern Star, and has participated in Day of Caring for numerous years. A lifelong Republican, Chapman has been President and also Treasurer for the Daviess County Republican Women.
“I have 30 years of local banking experience, which I feel would be a great asset working in the Treasurer’s office,” said Chapman. “I am proud of what has been accomplished in the Recorder’s office in the last 14 years, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue serving the residents of Daviess County.”

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