(NETWORK INDIANA) No one’s attempting it in Indiana so far, but a bill to ban your employer from making you get micro chipped is on its way to Governor Holcomb.
Both the House and Senate voted unanimously to make it illegal to require you to have a chip implanted in your body to take the place of an employee I-D card. Terre Haute Republican Jon Ford says it’s one thing if you choose to do it, but he says a chip could be used not just to store your personal info, but to track your whereabouts 24/7.
Ford says he’s not aware of anyone proposing to require the implants, about the size of a grain of rice, but he says the technology is there and in use. He says the state should draw a line in the sand now.
Ford says at least one American company and several in Europe are using chip implants not for employee I-D, but in place of credit cards.