Daviess Community Hospital Foundation was notified Tuesday that they are the recipient of a Rapid Response Grant. The grant amount of $5,000.00 will be used to cover the cost of additional Personal Protective Equipment which has been purchased in preparation for a potential surge in patients
This grant was made possible by the Rapid Response Funds from the Daviess and Pike County Community Foundations.
Angie Steiner, Director of Business Development at DCH says the hospital is grateful for the funds to  help offset the costs already incurred for the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves, sanitizing products, gowns, thermometers, soap, syringes, air scrubbers, shields, protective eye wear and ventilators.”
Meanwhile, starting today, all DCH employees are  required to wear a mask while working on the DCH hospital or clinic grounds. The type of mask is determined by the type of work an employee does.  The masks were handed out during employee screenings this morning. All other masks will be distributed by leaders in the departments, clinics etc. Further education will take place over the next few days, as needed in a goal to keep the hospital staff safe.