As of 10am on Wednesday, April 08, 2020 The Knox County Health
Department is reporting 12 positive cases of COVID-19.
The two new cases are being quarantined and monitored at home and contacts have been
notified and placed in self-isolation at their homes, per order of the Knox County Health
Knox County Health Officer Dr. Alan Stewart continues to monitor each of the 12 patients in
quarantine at their homes. Each Knox County resident that tests positive for COVID-19 will
remain in quarantine, under the order of the Knox County Health Department, until they have
been symptom-free for at least two weeks. None of the 12 patients have reached the release
point as of today.
As for the contacts of positive patients, they can be released after a self-isolation period of two
weeks if they do not show symptoms of the virus, as well. The contacts of the first Knox County
case have been released from isolation, as they did not show symptoms of the virus during that
two week isolation time period.
Dr. Stewart continues to stress the importance of social distancing and the need to stay at
home to help prevent the spread of this virus, as COVID-19 is present in our county. Most of the
cases either travelled or work outside of the county. Confinement of their contacts is the key in
stopping the spread.
The Knox County Health Department will update its report on positive COVID-19 cases each day
at 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. This report will be posted to the Health Department’s page on the
Knox County website: