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Knox County EMA guidelines for the holiday weekend

– With the holiday weekend approaching and the extended stay at home orders, many
families are wanting to get out and get supplies for the holiday festivities, family activities, food, etc. In keeping
with the CDC recommendations and requirements, we want to emphasize some key points:
• Procedures and Policies are being put into place for your protection, those at home, those around you, and
those that are still serving you in this crisis.
o Maintain that ONLY ONE person from your home do the excursion from home.
o Keep it local. Stay within Knox County as much as possible. This decreases chances of contact
with the COVID-19 virus and keeps our local businesses open and our local staff employed.
o Only ONE person with ONE cart per family. Many stores are putting a limit on number of people
and areas of the stores to just the essentials. Please be patient.
o Always maintain 6 feet of social distancing space between yourself and others.
o Wipe down the cart with sanitation wipes. Many stores should have these available.
o Wear masks if you have them for you and others’ protection.
o Buy regularly and do not hoard. We have strong supply lines and shelves are being restocked as
quickly, ensuring everyone in the county can get the supplies that they need.
• Call ahead to see if and utilize curb-side pickup options to reduce contact.
• If you are a small-based essential store, please be sure that you are following CDC protocols.
• If looking for good ideas for gifts, etc, consider gift cards/ certificates to restaurants, stores, etc. This helps
our businesses now, is simple, and limits interactions.
• Please refrain from stores for just a few items until you for sure need them. Adapt meals and make lists.
• Your continued participation in the staying home as much as possible will help slow the spread of the
COVID-19 virus. Thank you all for your time, cooperation, and support.
Please see on the next page: Knox County Based Food Distribution Programs are attached for those needing extra
assistance. Knox County School Corporation Food Distributions are set up for those ages 18 and under within their

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