As was released this morning, there have not been any transfers of
COVID-19 positive patients to a Knox County healthcare facility.
However, Knox County Health Officer Dr. Alan Stewart learned later today of a transfer plan byChosen Healthcare involving the Willow Manor Nursing and Rehabilitation facility in Vincennes.
Dr. Stewart learned of the plan to transfer in to Willow Manor a number of COVID negative residents from an out-of-county facility, which currently has COVID positive patients and staff.
“I am very opposed to allowing such a transfer to take place,” said Dr. Stewart. “I do not believe it is anyone’s best interest to transfer residents from a COVID positive facility to a facility that is COVID free at this time, let alone into a county with such a low case count at this time.”Dr. Stewart is in contact with the County Health Department of the originating facility and Chosen Healthcare representatives, as well as the State Department of Health.
The following was the first news release issued earlier today:
The Knox County Health Department wants to dispel current rumors
that COVID-19 patients are being transferred to a local nursing home.
Knox County Health Officer Dr. Alan Stewart says that he has been in contact with the Regional Director of Operations for Chosen, the parent company which operates The New Willow Manor in Vincennes. “The administrator there has assured me that no such transfer has taken place and that he is not interested in taking in outside residents who have been diagnosed with COVID19,” said Stewart. “He promises to continue to work with the Health Department and Good Samaritan Hospital before accepting the transfer of any external resident, per state guidelines.”
The Chosen Regional Director of Operations told the Joint Information Center that they are not transferring any positive COVID-19 patients at all. He says that if it would ever be requested, which it hasn’t, he would have to notify the staff at the nursing home, the local health department and Good Samaritan Hospital, as well as Daviess Community Hospital, who holds the license for the facility. He adds that it is normal company policy that any resident transferred to a different facility will be isolated for 14 days, regardless of any current health threat or pandemic.
Meanwhile, Stewart says there are no new cases of COVID-19 diagnosed in Knox County at this time. (10:30-am 4/23/20)
The total count of positive cases in Knox County remains at 19, with only five patients in active quarantine.
The public is still encouraged to remain at home at this time. If you need to leave your home for essential work, or to shop for necessities and essential food or supplies, you need to practice social distancing. Please be cautious when touching objects and wash your hands often and effectively. Being diligent in this daily activity will help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.