You will likely soon be able to go more places. Gov. Eric Holcomb announced stage 4 of Indiana’s re-opening plan starts early, this Friday at 12:01 a.m….
He says movie theaters will be able to open at half capacity. The governor warns that social distancing and hand washing must continue.
You still have to wash your hands, socially distance and should wear a mask, says Gov. Holcomb. But, as of Friday morning you’ll be able to go more places with stage 4 of Indiana’s reopening plan starting early…
That’s just a sample of the changes that happen with stage 4. Restaurants go to 75 percent capacity in most counties.
The largest coronavirus testing campaign so far begins soon, says state health commissioner Dr. Kris Box…
The state will begin testing everyone who works in a long term care facility or nursing home. Their partnering with a private company to get it done faster.