A vehicle involved in an accident on Edwardsport Road on Thursday morning, apparently was involved in a theft at Haag’s Heating and Cooling in Washington.
At 7:18am, officers received a call from Gregg Haag saying that copper had just been stolen from his shop. He said he was in another part of the shop when he heard someone walk in, he thought it was one of his expected employees. He said a worker then showed up and didn’t park in their normal spot, that’s when Haag went outside and saw a blue SUV with a man and woman in it and believed it had California plates. It was shortly after he noticed the copper which had been in a barrel was gone.
A short time later, at 7:50am Washington officers were dispatched to Edwardsport Road where a blue SUV had hit a pole, broke it and then flipped over. There was a large amount of copper on the ground. A man had reportedly ran from the vehicle while a woman on scene was detained and questioned. She told officers her boyfriend pulled into Haag’s and came out with the copper saying he’d gotten permission from an employee to take it. She didn’t know it was stolen but said she helped him load it. The man was later located on Viola Avenue. The investigation is continuing.
According to arrest reports the man and woman from the SUV were not arrested.
(information gathered from city police log narratives)