(NETWORK INDIANA) Sen. Todd Young is admonishing major newspapers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times for reporting on what he is calling “unverified and inconclusive intelligence” that Russia had issued bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan.
It was reported this week by both newspapers that Russia had been paying members of the Taliban to kill U.S. soldiers in the Middle East, and that President Trump was aware of the bounties. Former National Security Advisor John Bolton said he briefed the president about it while he was still in the White House.
“I took this reporting very seriously,” said Young. “I contacted the administration in furtherance of my oversight responsibilities demanding answers.”
Young, a former intelligence officer with the U.S. Marine Corps, said he was able to review intelligence on the matter that he said was “right on point” and he fells the president has “drawn on all available intelligence to keep U.S. servicemen and women safe.”
“Those major national newspapers I mentioned … reported on unverified and inconclusive intelligence as though it had been conclusively determined that Russian bounties had been paid on U.S. troops,” Young said.
Trump said he was never briefed on any intelligence about Russian bounties. Young did not comment on whether or not he feels the president knew about or was ever briefed on the situation.