Washington Community Schools was notified on Thursday the USDA has provided schools with COVID-19 relief funds for school meals. These funds will allow ALL students in grades 7-12 to receive free school meals, which includes breakfast and lunch, regardless of economic status. Kindergarten-6th Grade will continue to receive free school meals with no change.
This will begin on Monday, September 14th, and will continue until December 31st, or until the USDA communicates that federal funds have been exhausted. WCS will participate in this program for as long as funds allow. When the USDA discontinues this program, families will be notified.
Please note that only a USDA defined school meal will be given to students free of charge. Each day, your child is offered a lunch containing 5 food groups and your child must choose at least 3 food groups for his/her meal. One of the food groups must be a fruit or vegetable. If your child elects not to take at least 3 out of 5 food groups, the meal will be charged to the child’s account. Any extras or a la carte items will be charged to the child’s account as well. Breakfast will consist of pre-packaged grab and go meals. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the WCS Central Office at (812) 254-5536.