Washington’s Board of Works and Safety met following Monday’s Council meeting and approved a request from the Iron Vixens Women’s Motorcycle Club to close Main Street from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., Sunday, September 20, to line up vehicles for a benefit ride to raise money to off set medical expenses for Tara Beth McCollum, an infant born with Walker-Warburg Syndrome.
The Board also respectfully declined the offer of a citizen to paint a thin blue line on East Van Trees to honor the police department. The Board was concerned that allowing s group to paint the street would establish a precedent for perhaps less desirable reasons. Police Chief Todd Church told the Board that WPD knows they have the community’s support, and while he appreciated the gesture, he was worried about future situations.
In other business, the Board approved the promotion of WPD officer Kane Waggoner to second shift Sargent. They also approved the promotions of Ty Church and Stefan Arney to second class linemen with the electric department.