The Daviess County Commissioners met yesterday with a packed agenda. Micheal Taylor provided a brief update regarding the new government center. He stated that it is pretty well done with some issues still being resolved.
Phil Cornelius also provided an update on the 900 E project. He sated they had 11 parcel left of 52 and that he has high hopes they will meet their goal on time. The commissioners also accepted two bids for the 2021 paving project. The bids were from E&B Paving and Milestone Contractors. Phil recommended accepting both bids as they were both high and low in cost in different areas and having both would even out overall costs. He also spoke about creating a Safety Policy and said that he is currently working with IOSHA on getting one drawn up. The policy comes as a result of an accident that came two weeks earlier. Phil is hoping to create a safety policy so such accidents can be avoided in the future.
Representatives from the Bennington Levee were also at yesterdays meeting and spoke with the commissioners about securing funds to make certain electrical and plumbing improvements. They asked to barrow $200,000 from the county that would be paid back over a period of five or six years. $150,000 would go towards the First Phase of Improvements, $25,000 would go to Duke Energy for their part, and the other $25,000 would go towards transformers. The council gave their support and the matter will be moved to the County Council in the coming weeks for further approval.
Kellie Streeter was also at yesterdays meeting and spoke about creating a COVID-19 policy for county offices. The policy was approved by the commissioners and will be sent to all county offices.