Travel near Petersburg will face some obstacles next week. The Indiana Department of Transportation has announced road closures for State Road 56 near Petersburg for multiple culvert pipe replacements.
Beginning on or around Monday, Oct. 5, INDOT Maintenance Crews will begin a project to replace four drainage pipes across S.R. 56. These projects will require crews to excavate across all lanes of traffic, remove and replace the existing structure and refill the pavement cuts. After a period of compaction for the fill material, crews will later come back over the area with new asphalt.
Work will take place over four days depending upon weather conditions. The pipe replacement at each location is expected to take about a day. The first, on Oct. 5, will be near the intersection of S.R. 61. The remaining structures are located about three miles west of the intersection of S.R. 257. During the closures, local traffic will have access up to the point of closure. All other traffic should use the official detour following S.R. 57, S.R. 365, and S.R. 257.