With the coronavirus limiting a lot of indoor activities, one national park expert and author says now is the perfect time to go outdoors and consider a visit to Indiana Dunes National Park.
Becky Lomax wrote “Moon USA National Parks: The Complete Guide to All 62 Parks”. Lomax has always been impressed with Indiana Dunes.
“Right now, this is peak fall migration and the time to go there because all of the birds that are heading south come right down the shorelines of Lake Michigan and funnel right through the park. If you want to do some wildlife watching and bird watching, this is the time to go there,” said Lomax.
Indiana Dunes National Park has a wide variety of wildlife, including white-tailed deer, red fox, raccoons, opossums, cottontail rabbits, various rodents, Canada geese, gulls, squirrels, hawks, turkey vultures, mallards, great blue herons, songbirds, and garter snakes.
Lomax says walking along the beaches of Indiana Dunes is neat enough no matter the season.
“You can also ride a bike up and down the roads. There are also hiking trails there,” said Lomax.
Lomax reminds you that you need to make sure you always check the Indiana Dunes website for updated coronavirus restrictions before you decide to do anything with the family.
“That involves things like boat tours, bus tours, staying in campgrounds, staying in lodges, etc. All of those things you need to check on before you go,” said Lomax.
Indiana is home to three National Parks sites: Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, George Rogers Clark National Historical Park and Indiana Dunes National Park.