From Daviess Community Hospital…
The role of the nurse practitioner (NP) will be showcased November 8 – 14, 2020, as NPs across the country celebrate more than 53 years of practice during National NP Week. In the United States, this distinguished group of health care professionals number approximately 290,000 strong with more than 20,000 NP students graduating each year.
NPs are licensed, expert clinicians with advanced education which may include a master’s and doctorate degrees. They have extensive clinical preparation to provide primary, acute and specialty health care services. In addition to providing a full range of services, NPs work as partners with their patients – guiding them to make educated health care decisions and healthy lifestyle choices. The confidence that patients have in NP delivered health care is evidenced by the more than 916 million visits made to NPs every year. Nurse practitioners are informed, in touch and involved, making them the health care providers of choice for millions.
At Daviess Community Hospital, we recognize NPs as providers of high-quality, cost-effective, personalized health care. An NP offers a unique combination of nursing and health care service to patients. Focusing not only on diagnosing and managing acute and chronic illnesses, NPs integrate health promotion, disease prevention, counseling and patient education to help patients understand their complete health picture. In a population that is aging, with baby boomers becoming seniors in growing numbers over the next ten years, having choices about health care providers will become even more important. National NP Week brings visibility to the role of the NP, helping consumers make wise choices when selecting their health care provider.
“All across the country, nurse practitioners are serving as a lifeline for patients, many who would otherwise struggle to access care,” said Tracy Conroy, Chief Executive Officer of Daviess Community Hospital. “We at DCH, along with our patients and our community recognize and honor the nurse practitioner community.”
Nurse Practitioners working at Daviess Community Hospital and DCH clinics include Alicia Fields, DNP; Jessica Kavanaugh, FNP-C; Becky Jackson, FNP-ER; Susan Kraft, DNP, NP-C, COHN, CME; Allison Krieger, FNP; Julia Smith, FNP-C; Tammie Twitty, FNP; Amy Waggner, FNP-C; Daniell Summers, FNP-C; Erin Collison, FNP-BC, Valerie Dyer, FNP-C; Miranda Schneider, FNP-C; Veronica Burris FNP-C; Lori Day, FNP-C; Cheryl Buss, ANP-APRN, CME; Debra Ramsey, FNP-C; Stacy Wilson, FNP-C; Leanna Graber, FNP-C; Kathalene Keller, FNP-C; Jodi Wheelock, FNP-C;