The following statement and directive was issued by the Daviess County Health Department and County Health Officer, Dr. Merle Holsopple, MD.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
On October 24, 2020 a letter was distributed to all residents of Daviess County asking for their assistance in reducing the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in our community. Despite the efforts of the community,the numbers continue to rise in Daviess County and throughout Indiana. Since Friday, November 20, 2020 until the time of this release, Daviess County has seen an increase in 170 positive COVID-19 cases.
The Daviess County Health Officer in an abundance of concern for the citizens of Daviess County and in accordance with IC 16-20-1-25(b) has ordered the following restrictions to be in effect now until 11:59 pm, Sunday, December 6, 2020, unless altered, extended or rescinded prior to that time:
1) All Daviess County School Corporations will transfer to their virtual learning protocols for all students
within their jurisdictions.
2) All Daviess County School Corporations will suspend all extra-curricular activities, including sports events, practices, clubs, special events, etc.
3) All social gathers, whether indoor, or out, must limit number of attendees to twenty-five (25) people or less, social distancing and mask protocols must be observed at all times.
4) All funeral home visitations are limited to no more than twenty-five (25) people at any one time, social distancing and mask protocols must be observed at all times.
5) All fitness centers and the like are limited to no more than twenty-five (25) people at a time, social distancing and mask protocols must be observed at all times.
6) All restaurants, taverns, nightclubs and bars are limited to 50% capacity at all times, social distancing and mask protocols must be observed at all times.
7) All businesses shall remain open for operation at this time, but must follow social distancing and mask protocols at all times.
8) All religious services are strongly encouraged to transfer to virtual services. Any in-person services must follow social distancing and mask protocols at all times.
9) As previously ordered, all nursing homes and assisted living facilities are closed to visitations.
We ask that the citizens of Daviess County adhere to the above restrictions and allow our community time to reduce the transmission rate for the health and safety of all.