From Washington Community Schools…
“Due to an increased number of positive Covid-19 cases in Daviess County the local Board of Health has
determined that all Daviess County schools, including Washington Community Schools, are to move to the
Red Phase of our Back To School plan.
Beginning Monday, November 23rd, all school buildings will be closed and Distance Learning will be in place.
All extracurricular activities, including athletic practices and games, are canceled. At the present time,
students will return to school on Monday, December 7th, 2020. Please visit the Distance Learning page of our
website for more information and resources.
Students in grades K-8 will access their assignments via the Distance Learning Portal. High School students
should follow their normal class schedule beginning with their first period at 8:35 am. HS students should
communicate directly with their teacher via email, Google Classroom, or Google Meet for additional
Further information will be sent via School Messenger by your child’s building principal on Monday regarding
device distribution, meal pick up, and other details related to the red status.
Students who do not have access to wifi should see the list of Free Public Wifi spots on the district’s website.
This decision did not come easily, but we have been preparing for this possibility. The district will continue to
be in daily contact with the Daviess County Health Department and monitor the situation in our community to
determine our next steps after December 7th. Please stay in close contact by checking your phone, emails, our
website, and social media channels for the most up to date information.”