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Daviess County Council meets for first meeting of 2021

The Daviess County Council met on Wednesday for their first regular scheduled meeting of 2021. At the start of the meeting, they elected the County Council officers. Tony Duncheon was elected president and Matt Merideth was elected Vice President. Tony Duncheon was also appointed as the Council Representative on the Hospital Board.
The Council reviewed a resolution that would transfer Cares Act money from the General Fund to the Rainy Day Fund. They passed the resolution and added that Councilman Tony Duncheon and Councilman Matt Merideth would work with the Daviess County Commissioners on a process for dispersing the funds when needed.
The Council also heard from Rosetta Newton who was requesting the amendment of a salary ordnance for the part time workers in the recorders office. They are currently working to digitize physical documents and make them more available to the public. The Council approved the request. Rosetta also noted that work on digitizing the documents is over half way complete.

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