Only one item appeared on the business agenda at Monday’s Washington City Council meeting. The Council heard the first reading of an ordinance that would allow the Clerk-Treasurer’s to use electronic funds to pay the City’s bills when applicable. The ordinance will be up for a final reading and vote at the next Council meeting.
At the conclusion of the meeting all Council members thanked and complimented the City’s Street Department for clearing Washington’s streets during the recent snowstorms.
Most of Monday night’s business fell to the Board of Public Works and Safety. The Board approved a change order for the Washington Transfer Plant. The Board also agreed with the recommendation of Street Commissioner Bryan Sergesketter and awarded the contract for paving to M&B Paving. The Board also received two bids for concrete and work on Washington’s curb and sidewalk replacement program. There were two bidders, and due to the large gap in bids, the Board decided to award the contract to Hard Rock Concrete-the lowest bidder.
The Board also approved the recommendation of City Clerk-Treasurer Beth McGookey to cancel all uncashed checks and warrants from 2018.
In personnel items, the Board approved the following position changes in the Police Department: Steve Mize to first shift captain, Greg Dietz to second shift captain, and Barry Hudson to second shift detective sergeant. The moves were all part of position changes brought about by the retirement of Police Chief Todd Church.
In other business, Board members tabled a request from Cherry Ghost for a designated pick-up parking place. The Board wanted more information on the potential effect on traffic, neighboring businesses, and the existing handicapped parking place in the area.