Washington’s City Council enacted one new ordinance and heard the introduction of another ordinance at Monday nights meeting. The new ordinance allows the Clerk-Treasurer’s office to pay the City’s vendors through electronic transfer rather than with traditional paper checks when applicable.
The Council also heard an ordinance requiring new commercial buildings and businesses to have a key box in a place approved by the Fire Department. Also buildings surrounded by fences will be required to have a security padlock. The ordinance will allow the Fire Department to gain access to a building without a forcible entry if a key holder is unavailable.
In other business Mayor Rhodes announced that Derrick Devine will be sworn in as the new Police Chief, Friday, at 3:30 p.m. Devine will succeed former Chief Todd Church who recently retired. Mayor Rhodes also announced the appointment of Jim Lloyd as Water Superintendent. Lloyd will replace recently retired Water Superintendent Charlie Kane.
The Mayor also announced that the weather delayed work on the CSX crossings in Washington will begin on March 15, beginning on the east side of town and moving west. Each crossing should be closed for three to four days as the railroad does repairs.
And at the end of the meeting Mayor Rhodes reported on the progress of the U.S. 50 project.
The Mayor said that if the weather is good this portion of the US 50 project will hopefully be completed in another five to six weeks.