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Washington City Council Looks at Noise Ordinance Revisions

In regular business Monday night, the City Council enacted an ordinance requireing industiral and commercial buildings set up lock boxes containing a key to the building so the Fire Department can more easily access commercial and industrial buildings during non-business hours in emergency situations.     The Council also heard the introduction of an ordinance appropriating the $250,000 COVID Relief grant funds.
At the end of the meeting, Mayor Rhoads reported the U.S. 50 project is nearing completion.  The Mayor said that with good weather, he hopes the project can wind down in about four weeks.   The Mayor also discussed the railroad crossing replacement done by CSX.   Mayor Rhoads said he has asked the repair crews to re-examine the crossings, especially at E. 11th Street, E 7th Street, and Maysville Road.  The railroad raised the track, leading to very rough approaches to the crossing
Most discussion at Monday’s Council meeting centered a topic not on the agenda. the City’s nosie ordinance.   As business has increased at Purple Joe”s west side bar, a neighbor has complained to the police concerning noise, both during the day and at night, and the City is looking at ways to address the problem.   The current ordinance has no definable limits, and only limits noise between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.    Joe Addington, co-owner of Purple Joe’s, explained the actions he has taken to lessen the problem.   But Addington said the current ordinance is very vague on what constitutes a noise nuisance and asked the council to consider establishing decibel limitations so he can know exactly what the definable limits are.   However, the difficulties of establishing a noise ordinance for all circumstances immediately became obvious when a church and the Pregnancy Care Center requested the Board of Works and Safety approve road closures for outdoor activities, the chruch this Sunday for an outdoor service, and the Pregnancy Care Center for an outdoor party.  Both activities will include bands and music, and both are in residential areas.   The representative for the church said he expected the Palm Sunday service to generate a decibel level in excess of 100 at times,
Meeting after the Council, the Board of Public Works and Safety  approved both street closures.   The Board also considered a request for a no parking designation on the west side of N.E. 1st Street between Walnut and Hefron.  City officials stated that for most of the day there is no problem.  When WC dismisses Parents park in the area to wait for their children.   After discussing the situation, the Boad voted to deny the request.

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