The Daviess County Commissioners met on Tuesday for their regular session. The board heard from the Highway Department and approved a construction contract with CSX for the Bridge 155 project. They also agreed to award bids and move ahead with the 900 E project as soon as payment clears with INDOT. In addition the board approved a flex day for highway department workers in light of their efforts during the winter storms.
The board also named the Daviess County Court House remodel committee members. The committee is headed by Commissioner Michael Taylor and also features members from the Daviess County Council and judges from the court house.
In addition, the approved a contract with Baker Tilly regarding budget consulting and they approved a contract with At&t for two phone lines. The county had been billed late each month for both lines and wanted to confirm with At&t that they still had the lines before paying the bill.
Lastly the board agreed to start taking public bids for repairs to the roof of the Daviess County Jail. They also agreed to open public bids for surplus county furniture. The bids must be submitted no later than March 31st.