During last nights city meetings, Washington Board of Zoning Appeals chairman, Don Spillman, presented a request from the BZA to raise the fee for requesting a called meeting of the BZA.
Spillman said the BZA members felt that a hike from the current $100 fee would deter unnecessary requests.
The Council approved a motion to instruct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to raise the special meeting fee to $350.
The Council also passed an ordinance accepting the Plan Commission’s zoning recommendations form certain areas within the two-mile limit.
At the end of the meeting Mayor Rhoads announced a public meeting to discuss the final section of the old U.S. 50 project between the State Street Forks and East 3rd Street…
The Mayor said that work on utility replacement will get under way next year, with construction of the roadbed starting in the spring of 2023.