27-year-old Christina Barber of Indianapolis was arrested Wednesday on a warrant for Failure to Appear. She was booked into the Daviess County Security Center on a $2,000 bond. Bond was posted.
26-year-old Michael Heuser of Washington was arrested on a warrant Wednesday for a Petition to Revoke a Suspended Sentence. He was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.
27-year-old Stephanie Petit of Odon was arrested Wednesday and charged with Domestic Battery in the Presence of a Minor and Public Intoxication. She was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.
39-year-old Mariah Yokem of Loogootee was arrested Wednesday on a warrant for Possession of Methamphetamine. She was booked into the Daviess County Security Center on a $5,000 bond. Bond was posted.
54-year-old Ronald Miller of Washington was arrested Wednesday and charged with theft. He was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.