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City Council discusses Central Dispatch Center


The combined City and County Dispatch Center took up most of Monday night’s Washington City Council meeting.
Under the current situation, the Washington Police Department’s receptionist also serves as a 911 dispatcher.
This has resulted in some instances where emergency calls have been put on hold, while the dispatcher had to take care of other police business.
When asked if he supported the combined city-county dispatch, Asst. Police Chief Trent McWilliams said yes and that he was tired of 911 calls being put on hold causing officers to be placed in potential danger.
A public hearing will be held immediately before the Sept 13, City Council meeting.
The Council will make a final decision at the following meeting.
The major stumbling block seems to be a concern among some Council members about placing the dispatch center in a neutral site.
Mayor Rhoads said a neutral site might add an additional $400,000 to the cost of the merger.

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