Washington’s City Council passed four ordinances setting the city’s budget, proposed tax rate, and giving the City’s employees a 3% raise. The official tax rate still depends on action by the Indiana Department of Local Government Finance. Washington Mayor David Rhoads expects the final tax rate to be approximately the same as the current rate after the state review.
In other action, Council members heard the introduction of a new ordinance that would raise the tap on fees for water service. The current fee is $550, but has been that level for almost 20 years. A survey of surrounding communities found tap on fees ranging up to $1,500. Currently it cost the City $1,131.34 for each tap on…forcing the City to absorb a $600 loss for every new tap on. The new ordinance proposes to raise the tap on fee to $1,200 for every 5/8 inch meter. The cost of larger meters and industrial meters will be set at the cost of time and material it takes to install the tap on. The proposed ordinance will be eligible for passage at the next City Council meeting.