The first order of business at Monday’s Washington City Council meeting was approving a resolution that transferred $1,700 in surplus funds in one budget account to the police operating supply account, and $1,800 to repair and maintenance. The $1,800 was earmarked to pay for painting the light posts on Main Street. The Council also passed an ordinance raising the tap on fee for the City’s water utility. The new ordinance brings the fee in line with the actual expense of connecting new service.
The Council also heard the introduction of three proposed ordinances. The first ordinance addressed agriculturally zoned areas in the City’s jurisdiction. The second proposal would allow certain department heads to exceed the current $2,500 credit card limit, with a case-by-case approval, to pay for employee training expenses. The third proposal rectified language regarding the pay for fire fighters who are called to the scene of an emergency on their day off. The current language provides for call-out pay only when reporting to a fire.
At the end of the meeting, Mayor David Rhoads announced the retirement of Wastewater Superintendent Scott Rainey effective at the end of the week. The mayor said the city is advertising for a Class 3 operator for the Wastewater Department. Until that hire is made, Midwestern Engineers will be acting in that capacity for the City.
Following the Council meeting, the Board of Public Works and Safety met and received bids for the demolition of several derelict houses at…
406 NW 2nd St.
1502 Vincennes Ave
312 Cabel Ave
and 709 SE 3rd St.
The bids were taken under advisement and will be awarded at the next Board meeting.
Finally, the City Council will host a public meeting tonight to hear comments about a proposed ordinance regarding all-terrain vehicles on city streets. The meeting is scheduled for 6:00 pm this evening at the community building at East Side Park.