Unemployment numbers continue to trend low across the state with a surplus of jobs available.
The September Unemployment rate showed Daviess County to have an unemployment rate of 2.3% which is down from last September’s 3.1%. Daviess County now has the 7th lowest unemployment rate in the state.
Dubois County has the 6th lowest unemployment rate in the state also checking in at 3.1%, with a little bit larger workforce. In September of 2020, Dubois showed an unemployment rate of 3.8%.
Gibson County checked in with 2.6% for the month of September which was down from last year’s 4.1%.
Knox County showed an unemployment rate of 3% down from last September’s 4.4%.
Greene County had a 3.3% unemployment rate last month which was down significantly from last Septembers 5.2%.
Pike County showed an unemployment rate of 3.4% down from last year’s 4.6%.
Indiana’s unemployment rate for September was 3.5% which was down from last September’s 6%.