Washington’s City Council heard several new ordinances and updates to EPA regulations on Monday.
Angela Quast told the Council that the EPA is requiring updated ordinance to comply with new regulations. She also noted that the Storm Water Department would likely need another employee to meet regulations.
Other new ordinances would amend the city code to allow certain off-road vehicles to join golf carts on city streets. The Council also heard the introduction of an ordinance that would regulate and standardize the connection of private renewable energy sources to the City’s electricity grid. The ordinance will provide protection for city linemen from unknown sources of power surging onto the power grid while it is being worked on.
The Board of Public Works and Safety met following the council meeting and received bids on a new Rescue Pumper for the Washington Fire Department. The new truck will replace a 21-year-old pumper stationed at the West End Fire Station.
Three bids ranging from around $598,000 to a little under $613,000 were taken under advisement.
The Board also agreed to provide pay for unused sick days to four city dispatchers being moved in the to the Combined 9-1-1 Center.