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Tri Kappa Scholarship Opportunities Available


Washington, IN – Province I of the Tri Kappa organization will award one scholarship to one high school student in Indiana this spring in the name of one of their founders, Erma Ribeyre Greathouse.
Eligible students include all high school seniors in Daviess County who have committed to continue their education beyond high school. Criteria used by the Tri Kappa selection committee are academic achievement, strong goals, extracurricular activities, work experience and volunteer service.
Applications are due January 31, 2022. Students wishing to apply for any of these scholarships are encouraged to contact their high school guidance counselor or the chapter by email at
The Tri Kappa Province I Scholarship Committee will meet in early spring to select this year’s recipient. In addition to the Province and State scholarships, the Washington Beta Zeta Chapter of Tri kappa also provides local scholarships. Details on how to apply will be released in early 2022.
The State organization of Tri Kappa will award a variety of scholarships to college students throughout Indiana this year. Tri Kappa has provided scholarship awards since 1914 acknowledging students on the local, province and state levels. Chapters, provinces and the state organization combined, currently give more than $500,000.00 annually honoring academic achievement.

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