West Boggs Park invites you to tuck your toes into cozy socks and lace up your boots for their “First Night Hike”.
The free event will be held at the park on January 1st.
There will be two starting times with the first set for 5:30 pm and the second set for 7:00 pm.
These first night hikes will be solely lit by lanterns provided by the park, so be prepared to leave your flashlights in the car.
Jameson Hibbs with West Boggs says they started the new tradition last year…
The trail will begin at the beach and go through some woods and open spaces.
You can meet the group at the bonfire on the beach to join one of the hikes.
Organizers do ask that you please leave your pets at home for this hike.
For more information, call Jules at (812)-295-3241 or email jules@westboggs.com.