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Council Tables Resolution Featuring OSHA Vaccine Requirement


Washington’s City Council met for the first time in the new year with a short agenda, Monday night. Most of the discussion centered around a resolution implementing an OSHA requirement that would require employees to either be vaccinated or have a negative COVID test each week. Due to OSHA’s recent change of the implementation date and the pending Supreme Court ruling, the Council tabled the resolution until the next meeting.
The Council also heard the first reading of an ordinance that trimmed three summer positions from the parks department and replaced them with a full-time employee. Park Superintendent Kip Kelly told the Council that summer employees were getting harder to find and based on school schedules most potential employees were only available for six weeks. The ordinance will be up for final approval at the next meeting.
In other business, Alan Brown was elected to serve as the Council’s President Pro Tem for 2022. Mayor Rhoads also renewed the appointments of David Dahl and Anita Ash to the Board of Public Works and Safety. Finally, the Mayor was designated to be Washington’s representative to the Southern Indiana Development Commission Board of Directors.

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