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Commissioners Approve Annual Appointments

The Daviess County Board of Commissioners met for their first session of the new year Monday morning.
Most of the meeting consisted of reviewing 2022 appointments, annual bids, and contracts.
No changes were made to the Board of Commissioners Annual Appointments. Michael Taylor was selected to continue as Board President, Nathan Gabhart was selected as Vice President, and Commissioner Ron Arnold was selected as Secretary.
The commissioners are looking to fill a position on the Community Corrections Board. For more information about serving on this board, contact the Daviess County Commissioners.
In other business, the commissioners awarded the 2022 Asphalt bids to Milestone Contractors totaling over $1,000,000.
The commissioners also reviewed bids for the SDIC Owner Occupied Rehab Project. Those bids were taken under advisement.
Finally, the board approved the annual contract with the Baby & Me Tobacco Free Program. The program works to help expecting mothers quit smoking by providing health information and incentives.

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