18-year-old Brieanna Honeycutt of Washington was arrested Wednesday and charged with Domestic Battery, Minor Consumption, Resisting Law Enforcement, and Battery on a Public Safety Official. She was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.
30-year-old Carrie Chaney of Santa Claus was arrested Wednesday on warrant for Failure to Appear. She was booked into the Daviess County Security Center on a $2,500 bond.
25-year-old Christian Stepanek of Otwell was arrested Wednesday on a warrant for Failure to Appear. He was booked into the Daviess County Security Center on a $2,000 bond.
22-year-old Charisa Hugunin of Shelburn was arrested Wednesday on a warrant for Failure to Appear. She was booked into the Daviess County Security Center on a $2,500 bond.
The current jail population is at 160.