Washington High School was honored by National Project Lead the Way officials, Indiana’s Secretary of Education, and local government and business leaders at a special convocation Tuesday afternoon.
Project Lead the Way provides a nationally recognized curriculum that prepares students for successful lives after high school.
Washington High School is the smallest school in Indiana, and one of the smallest high schools in the nation to offer all three Project Lead the Way pathways.
Indiana’s Secretary of Education, Dr. Katie Jenner, says Washington High School is leading the way for the future of stem…
Project Lead the Way calls Washington High School “a small school with a large impact”.
President and CEO of Project Lead the Way Dr. Vince Bertram, said he was proud of the success of Washington High School and the Washington Community…
In addition, Angie Mann of NSWC Crane says WHS is creating a program that makes learning experiences relevant and purposeful for all students.
Teachers also report that universities are already reaching out to them to recruit students.