WASHINGTON – Sporting new logos, fresh content and onsite video segments, the Daviess County Economic Development Corporation, Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau launched their first phase of a unified marketing and information outreach in March. New websites for the three county organizations and an overall unified brand and website – We Are Daviess County – are now online.
“All three entities have long had an online presence, but this new unified approach and content will help better tell the Daviess County story and share what our community has to offer,” said Bryant Niehoff, executive director the Daviess County Economic Development Corporation.
The rebranding and development project involved business and community leaders and stakeholders from across the county.
The new strategic marketing effort included the development of a fourth website, located online at https://wearedaviesscounty.com/. The website features an original video production where local business professionals and residents tell their story about why they live and work in Daviess County.
“The ‘We Are Daviess County’ outreach provides an overarching brand capturing the great resources, assets, and people we have right here in our community,” said Niehoff. “Each of our organizational websites is targeted towards that specific organization’s charge: economic development and community growth, connecting with our business community, and expanding our growing tourism sector.”
“Together, this collaborative approach provides different dimensions of the county and why people will benefit from relocating here, building a business or simply visiting,” he continued.
Niehoff added that the launch of the four websites begins a new strategic effort to promote the county on multiple levels through a unified approach. “All of the new logos follow a unified theme that first began with the economic development logo, further visually bringing together our brand,” he said. “Daviess County’s economy and development activity are continuing to grow at a strong pace, and we want to tell our story on a comprehensive basis as we add new market rate housing and other key developments.”
Telling the county’s broad success story can boost understanding and attractiveness. “Being able to collaboratively feature all three of our organizations engaged in reaching people will help take this county to a new level,” said Joe Morris, Executive Director of the Daviess County Chamber of Commerce and Daviess County Visitors Bureau. “Economic development is our marketing, positioning, and deal-making arm; the chamber works in customer service and advocacy to make sure our businesses have what they need, and the visitor’s bureau works to attract tourism dollars and allow people to experience Daviess County – the three new websites and unified marketing approach will help enhance that.”
“Daviess County is one of Indiana’s ‘best-kept secrets’ and we want people to understand and know more about the positive diversity we have in our communities and workforce, as well as our great amenities,” Morris continued. “When companies and people are looking for more information about Daviess County, we now have new online assets to explain the ‘why’ for further exploration and engagement.”
The three now-launched websites at https://developdaviess.com/ https://discoverdaviess.com/ and https://visitdaviesscounty.com/ will continue to undergo development with additional content, videos and other online assets. Additional marketing efforts to reach specific segments for relocation and retention are currently in the planning stages.
The original video clips on all of the websites feature the high-quality work of Washington expatriate Blaine Fuhs, a Daviess County native who leads an award-winning video company based in Los Angeles.
“We were fortunate to have Blaine engaged on this project, both to bring his superb talent to our outreach and also for the fact that he knows Daviess County and its assets inside and out,” said Niehoff.