The Daviess County Board of Commissioners met for their regular meeting on Tuesday with a short agenda.
The board first heard updates from the highway department.
Daviess County Highway Supervisor Chris Winkler gave a brief update of the Glendale Road Project stating paving would begin during the middle or end of next month.
The commissioners also approved two LPA vouchers and reviewed a bid for a 2023 Dump Truck in the amount of $192,286. No action was taken.
In other business, the board filled a vacancy on the Board of Health. Washington Mayor Dave Rhoads was appointed to fill that position.
The Commissioners also heard from Becky Guthrie with the non-profit Ride Solution in Washington. Guthrie was requesting that the commissioners increase their donation from $7,500 to $10,000.
The commissioners seemed to agree that Ride Solution provides a good service to the community, however, increasing the donation wouldn’t be fair to other area non-profits also receiving donations. The request was taken under advisement.