Warmer weather is here, and the sunny days mean motorcyclists are on the roadways in increasing numbers.
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and a time to be aware of motorcyclists on the roads.
Tragically, in 2019 there were over 5,000 motorcycle-related fatalities.
Authorities ask motorists to be mindful of those out riding as their vehicle offers significantly less protection.
Likewise, it’s just as important for motorcycle operators to use safety and to fully prepare before riding.
Motorcycle operators must complete an exam to obtain a motorcycle endorsement on their driver’s license.
Statistics show that 30% of those involved in fatal crashes do not have a valid motorcycle license.
Authorities say riders should only operate a motorcycle if they are qualified to do so.
They also say you should wear a helmet that meets national safety standards, keep all limbs completely covered, wear brighter colored clothing with reflective material, avoid taking risks, and remember to obey traffic lights and speed signs.