With the upcoming changes to Indiana’s handgun law the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office would like to take a moment to reflect:
Before July 1st Indiana’s Proper Person law prevented certain individuals from obtaining a handgun permit including:
- A person with a misdemeanor conviction showing aninability to safely handle a gun.
- A person with a criminal history that showed they were violent or emotional unstable.
- A chronic substance abuser.
- A person convicted of resisting law enforcement.
Starting July 1st these individuals may now legally carry a handgun without a permit.
Anyone that falls into one of these categories will not be legally allowed to carry a handgun:
- Convicted of a federal or state felony offense punishable by a term of imprisonment exceeding one year
- Fugitive from justice
- Convicted of a crime of domestic violence, domestic battery or criminal stalking
- Restrained by an order of protection
- Under indictment
- Adjudicated dangerous or mental defective
- Committed to a mental institution
- Dishonorably discharged from military service
- Less than 18 years of age
Even though starting July 1st you can carry without a permit, it is recommended all citizens that wish to carry a handgun get their Indiana Handgun Permit. The website to do so can be found on the Daviess County Sheriff facebook page as are websites that show what states require permits to carry a handgun and the 32 states that honor Indiana’s concealed carry permits.