Washington’s City Council discussed four proposed ordinances last night.
The request from the developer of the Buffalo Trace Subdivision on Bussard Road was tabled for a second time because an additional request for annexation in the subdivision area is expected and the Council wants to act on both requests at the same time.
Council members introduced two ordinances dealing with a state-required position in the Wastewater Department.
The council also passed an ordinance rezoning 10 acres of land on East Business 50 from Industrial to P.U.D.
At the end of the meeting, Mayor Rhoads reminded everyone about Washington’s July 4th Celebration…
Following the Council meeting the Board of Public Works and Safety met. The Board heard Shannon Wilson’s request to extend the alley that runs from Flora Street behind houses on NW 2nd and NW 3rd for added off street parking.
The Board had several questions but said they would investigate the situation.
In other business, the Board approved the low bid submitted by ENB paving for the planned replacing of 19 city streets. Street Commissioner Bryan Sergesketter told the Board that the bid was slightly over the estimate the city presented to the state’s Community Crossings Matching Grant program in February.