66-year-old Johnny McCammon of Washington was arrested Saturday by WPD and charged with Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated with a BAC of 0.15% or more, Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated with Endangerment, and Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated with Prior Conviction. He was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.
31-year-old Terri Yenne-Craney of Elnora was arrested Saturday by WPD and charged with Possession of Methamphetamine and Possession of a Syringe. She was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.
23-year-old David Speakman of Washington was arrested Sunday by WPD and charged with Resisting Law Enforcement in a Vehicle and for Driving While Suspended with a Prior. Speakman was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set
64-year-old Douglas Waller of Washington was arrested Sunday by WPD and charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle After Forfeiture of a License for Life and Operating a Vehicle While Intoxicated with a BAC of .15% or More. He was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.
40-year-old Brandon Truax of Odon was arrested Sunday by Odon PD on a warrant for Domestic Battery with Bodily Injury to a Person Under 14 years old. He was booked into the Daviess County Security Center on a $25,000 bond.
38-year-old Dallas Sims of Vincennes was arrested Sunday by the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office and charged with Domestic Battery in the Presence of a Minor and Resisting Law Enforcement. He was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.
54-year-old Terry Cochran of Charlestown was arrested Monday by the Daviess County Sheriff’s Office on a warrant containing a Petition to Revoke a Suspended Sentence. He was booked into the Daviess County Security Center. No bond was set.
The current jail population is at 154.