The Washington City Council heard a request from several golf cart owners at last night’s regular council meeting. The residents were questioning the city’s 8:00 p.m. limit on the use of golf carts on Washington’s streets. The limitation was put in place because the city also permits side-by-side off-road vehicles on city streets, but Indiana law permits side-by-sides only to be used from dawn to dusk. After hearing the request, the council voted to separate golf carts from side-by-sides and to set the limit on golf carts to 11:00 p.m. The change will not go into effect for at least four weeks so the city code can be officially amended.
In regular business, the Council approved a resolution requiring the voluntary annexation of the Buffalo Trace Subdivision on Bussard Road. The ordinance making the annexation official is scheduled to be on the agenda at the next council meeting.
The Board of Public Works and Safety also approved a request to close a portion of the alley behind Stoney’s Bar and Grill for outdoor activities on August 13 and September 3.
In further business, the board approved the recommendation of Midwestern Engineers to award the contract for improvements to the wastewater treatment plant to the low bidder, who was Michelin Stark of Medora.
In addition, the board awarded a lease financing contract to German American Bank, which had the lowest financing bid of 2.9%.
Lastly, officials approved a one-year extension of Ed Barnett’s contract as the civil engineer and land surveyor.