Washington area flood victims will have a chance to talk to state IDHS officials this afternoon. Mayor Dave Rhoads said local emergency management and IDHS officials will be making door-to-door calls to those who suffered damage during the flash flooding in July.
The Mayor said the door-to-door assessments are required for state damage assistance. Rhoads said the state officials would have badges and identification when calling on flood victims.
In regular business, the City Council heard the introduction of three ordinances setting the pay for city employees, officials, and members of the police and fire departments. Council members asked the Mayor to appoint a committee to look at ways to retain city workers. The Council also amended the proposal to raise special event pay for firefighters and police officers.
The Council also had its first reading on realigning the five council districts based on the 2020 census. Under the new census guidelines, Council District 1 will consist of precincts 5 and 15: Distirict 2 will contain a portion of precincts 6 and 12, along with all of precinct 7; District 3 will contain precincts 8 and 9 and a portion of precinct 10; District 4 will contain portions of precincts 10 and 12 and all of precinct 11; and District 5 will consist of precincts 13, 14, and a portion of precinct 6.
All the ordinances will be up for adoption at the next Council meeting.
And Mayor Rhoads gave the oath of office to the city’s newest firefighter and police officer.
Both Reese and Thorsell come to Washington with experience in other departments.